Bottega Gold 750 ml
Bottega Gold is a DOC Prosecco, obtained by the winemaking of Glera grapes. The elegance, freshness and vivacity of its bubbles come from the beauty and tradition of its territory, where the unmistakable panoramas are made up of vineyards.
Country | Italy. |
Strain | Glera grape. |
Color | Bright, subtle pink, fine and persistent pearl. |
Bouquet | Intense, elegant, complex, characterized by floral and fruity notes, mainly mixed berries, currants and wild strawberries. |
Taste | Fresh, delicate, soft, structured, with balanced acidity and a pleasant and persistent aftertaste. |
Alcoholic grade | 11.5% |
Recommended maximum consumption | 1 year and 6 months. |
Serving temperature | 4º – 5º C |
Presentation | Glass container 200 ml, 750 ml and 1,500 ml. |
Recommended cup | Flute. |