17 Ave. Sur y Km 11 1/2, Carretera al Puerto de
La Libertad, Santa Tecla


Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 5:00PM

Contact Us:


17 Ave. Sur y Km 11 1/2, Carretera al Puerto de La Libertad


Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 5:00PM

Write to us:




Sales information

Our sales department is made up of five divisions, which are distributed as follows:

Supermarket sales force: covering 100% of all supermarket industry in the country. We have 1 KAM for Walmart with 5 supervisors in the whole country who are supported by 1 inplant and 5 junior supervisors. We also have 1 KAM for Super Selectos who leads 6 supervisors in the whole salvadorean territory.

All supervisor performance is evaluated by a field auditor. In this channel, we also count with 70 displays that cover 100% of Super Selectos, Walmart and Pricesmart stores.

We are working with Walmart to support their efficient promoting program in Despensa Familiar and Maxi Bodega.

Wholesale Sales Force

This channel is made up of one channel manager.


  • The wholesale sales force of the metropolitan area of San Salvador is made up of: 1 supervisor and 3 salespeople attending special customers like grocery stores and wholesalers in greater San Salvador and central zone of our country.
  • The wholesale sales force of the interior salvadorean territory is made up of: 1 supervisor and 2 salespeople for the western area of the country and 1 supervisor and 2 sellers for eastern area of the country.
  • The independent supermarket sales force is made up of: 4 salespeople, 2 of them attending in central area of the country and the other 2 salespeople attending the eastern area of the country.
  • The wholesale channel has a support of 20 displays (multi brands) that attend the main customers of the wholesale channel, as well as independent supermarkets.

Retail Sales Force

  • Retail Department: Consisting of 1 Head of Department, 3 Supervisors and 39 vendors, attending small stores & schools in the populated cities of our country.
  • Our Presales department has 39 routes , serving approximately 9,023 customers, classified as type A, B and C. We deliver our products with a third party, OPLS, a logistics company of Zablah Group . The products sold in this channel are of the highest consumer acceptance.

Retail Department Coverage

Retail Clients:


Western Zone

Central Zone

Eastern zone

Population: 6,300,000

Area: 21,041 KM2 / 8,124 Mil2

Official Currency: USD $

Wholesale clients: 684
Supermarket clients: 201
Independent supermarkets clients: 72
Retail Clients: 9,023
Foodservice Clients: 164

As for coverage in percentage % of Selfserve markets (supermarkets), we cover 100 % of the market; in the traditional channel we cover 90% (Wholesale channel) and 63% (Presale clients) mostly type A and B.

The sale of supermarket is distributed in 201 rooms as follows: Gran San Salvador 63%, Oriente 21% and Occidente 16%.
