17 Ave. Sur y Km 11 1/2, Carretera al Puerto de
La Libertad, Santa Tecla


Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 5:00PM

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17 Ave. Sur y Km 11 1/2, Carretera al Puerto de La Libertad


Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 5:00PM

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Seafood Mixure/Assortments

Seafood Mixure/Assortments
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Robinson Crusoe makes your life easier and offers you this exquisite selection of seafood. Inside you can enjoy seafood such as: mussels, clams, cholgas or cockles or machas of the best quality, size and unsurpassed flavor. It is an extremely versatile product, ideal to make the richest preparations, so it should always be present in your pantry. You can find it in its 190g formats. Being a healthy product, with low caloric intake and are also high in omega 3.
